Webinar: Launch of The People’s Environment Narrative – 13 October 2022
The last in our series of TS+50 webinars, this 2-hour event will launch ‘The People’s Environment Narrative’ document, which highlights the contributions by stakeholders to UNEP@50 & Stockholm+50, in English, Spanish, & French.
9 AM to 11 AM EDT (New York)/3 PM to 5 PM CEST (Brussels)/4 PM to 6 PM EAT (Nairobi)
Register here to take part
What happened at Stockholm+50?
Read the reflections of those who attended Stockholm+50 in our blog post.
We Don’t Have Time: Stockholm+50 Hub. Rewatch the events from the whole conference here.
Major Group 4th Plenary Session: Jan-Gustav Strandenaes of Stakeholder Forum had an intervention (minute 1.52).
Ecocide Law – the Stockholm Legacy: 1-hour webinar.
Stockholm+50: Youth Engagement website.
Sign the Declaration for Stockholm+50 to support a four-step pathway towards the critical paradigm shift we need.
Stockholm+50 events from UNEA
- 4 March: Faith for Earth Dialogue Session on Stockholm+50. (Nairobi and virtual)
- 28 March: Stockholm+50 Preparatory Meeting. (New York and virtual)
- 29 March: GGKP Stockholm+50 Webinar 2: A Green and Inclusive Recovery — Building Sustainable Responses to Emergencies. (Virtual)
- 1 June: Sustainable planet, sustainable health – how science-based solutions can drive transformative change. (Stockholm and virtual)
Regional Consultation
Regional consultation for Europe and North America – 5 May 2022
The objective of this consultation was to give voice to and facilitate the engagement of as many stakeholders as possible and to ensure a bottom-up mapping of key initiatives and actions needed to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The regional consultation was open to all government and non-government representatives, including those that are not accredited to UNEP, to share their actions toward a healthy planet and a sustainable recovery, and bring to the table their commitments and pledges for action and implementation.
The EEB (European Environmental Bureau), with partner WECF (Women Engage for a Common Future) held a virtual CSO preparatory Zoom meeting for the regional consultation for Europe and North America on May 2, 2022, at 10:00 AM CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna).
The People’s Environmental Narrative global stakeholder consultations – 18 and 19 May 2022
‘The Peoples Environmental Narrative’ is a global 2-day online consultation open to all representatives of non-state stakeholders from all regions of the world. On 18 and 19 May 2022, from 4 PM to 8 PM CET (10 AM to 2 PM EDT), this global consultation gathered stakeholder input relevant to the official themes of the Stockholm+50 meeting, and to the wider environmental agenda and the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve a sustainable future for all.
Day 1 – The Peoples Environment Narrative, organised by Stakeholder Forum and ForUM Norway, focused on the seven Legacy Themes of the Stockholm conference, and the outcomes of a series of legacy webinars that have been conducted over the past two months, where a broad range of stakeholders (1,600 registered) around the globe have taken part. The Legacy Themes summarized below have their institutional origin in the 1972 Stockholm Conference, and have had a direct relation to the UN Environment Programme for 50 years.
· Multilateralism and the environment;
· Environmental law;
· Science and the environment;
· Civil society, stakeholders, and the environment;
· Education and the environment;
· The Rio Conventions and the Multilateral Environmental Agreements; and
· Environmental Law, Environmental Governance and the UNEP@50 ministerial outcome document: Towards an operative commitment.
Outcomes from each of these themes were presented with a set of recommendations to be further discussed and taken forward by the participants of the day 1 webinar. Their recommendations were integrated into a document aimed at gathering stakeholders’ views and statements based on their expertise during 50 years of environmental policy; it will be ‘The Peoples’ Environment Narrative.’
Day 2 focused on the messages from the major groups. UNEP’s Major Groups and Facilitating Committee, the MGFC, will coordinate the programme. The focus was on consolidating messages for the Stockholm+50 international meeting. The report ‘The UNEP We Want,’ produced by the MGFC with input from a broad range of stakeholders and presented in March 2022, and input from the six recent regional UNEP stakeholder consultations held between January and May guided these discussions together with the other political priorities of the major groups.
A Peoples Environment Narrative document was produced for the Stockholm+50 conference. It reflects the voice of stakeholders from the 2-day online consultation and encapsulate reports from the March 28 2022 Stockholm+50 PrepComm in New York, the seven expert webinars held by the Towards Stockholm+50 initiative, and the regional multi-stakeholder consultations organized in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, and West Asia organized by Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs).